Danube - Against the Flow is an 8 part documentary series for TV commissioned by AMC Hungary, produced by Spot Productions, first screend on Spektrum TV Hungary in 2020. The show is hosted by Nick Thorpe writer, BBC correspondant, directed by Máté Bartha.
DOP: Gergő Somogyvári, sound recording: Márton Ecsedy, b-camera: Máté Bartha, editor: Sára Herpai, Júlia Hack, László Dunai, Attila Csabai, Péter Politzer, Tamás Vásárhelyi, story editor: Kata Horváth, colorist: András Pere, sound mixing: Mihály Fejér, assistant editor: Barbara Halasi, animation: Proud, production manager: Inez Mátis, production coordinator: Rebeka Nyitrai, Noémi Némedi, Krisztina Tamás, creative producers: Péter Radnai, András S. Takács, Csaba Tóth, executive producers: Levente B. Málnay, Eszter Cseke, László Gáspár, Pál Máté, Katalin Radóczy
More info (in Hungarian): https://spektrumtv.hu/spektrum/a-duna-arral-szemben/